Fusce ligula purus, efficitur nec varius quis, porttitor nec eros. Duis blandit ipsum eget mi faucibus, sit amet scelerisque tortor ullamcorper. Maecenas sem ante, pulvinar eget leo non, rutrum lacinia ante. Sed condimentum vulputate magna, et egestas tellus lacinia quis. Quisque posuere erat elit, nec blandit massa suscipit at. Nullam porta commodo scelerisque. Praesent...
Leanne McDonagh is a young Traveller woman born in 1990 and the 5th child of ten children. At school she excelled at art and was strongly encouraged by her teachers to fulfill her potential.
Leanne began practicing art at Crawford College of Art & Design in 2007 and five years later she graduated with an Honours Degree in Fine Art as well as a Higher Diploma in Art & Design Education. As a visual artist she feels she has a unique opportunity to represent and record her community from within. READ MORE